Flakey tests in a large Python/Django codebase
A list of test anti-patterns that lead to flakiness.
A mnemonic for mock decorators
An easy way to remember the order arguments get injected.
Avoiding clashing Django migrations
A simple Travis test to avoid frustration
purl, URI templates and generated tests
Matching the RFC using Nose’s test generators
Disable database access when writing unit tests in Django
A decorator for the testing puritan
Prefer WebTest to Django's test client for functional tests
Superior functional tests for Django
How to reload Django's URL config
A rare sighting of the ‘reload’ function in the wild
Testing HTTPS handling in Django
Spoofing a HTTPS request using the Django test client
Introducing unittest-xml: testing XML in Python
A simple module for making XPath assertions
Coloured output while doing TDD with Django and Fabric
Providing simple coloured feedback