A curated1 collection of words-of-the-day from @qikipedia:
Word of the day: ARSLE - to move backwards.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) May 14, 2017
Word of the day: VERSCHLIMMBESSERN - (German) - to make something worse while attempting to make it better
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) July 3, 2017
Word of the day: PAREIDOLIA - the imagined perception of a pattern or image where it doesn't exist.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) October 21, 2017
Word of the day : FANKLE (Scottish) - to tangle or entangle something.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) August 24, 2017
Word of the day: KIBITZER - (Yiddish) someone who gives unwanted advice.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) September 20, 2017
Word of the day: CHARETTE - an intense period of activity immediately before a deadline.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) July 12, 2017
Word of the day: QUANKED - overcome with fatigue.
— Quite Interesting (@qikipedia) November 7, 2017
There are many more.
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