Why your Django models are fat


  • You moved everything out of the views.py modules when you heard fat controllers were bad.

  • And you’ve read that fat models are a good idea1.

  • You need some extra functionality in a template and this is the easiest way to shoehorn it in. Eg:

      The current balance is {{ account.get_balance_via_three_network_calls_lol }}
  • You can quickly solve your current problem by adding n more lines to that method (repeat ad infinitum)2.

  • You’re scared people will ignore your crucial wrapper function if it’s not directly on the model3.

  • Are you even allowed to put application logic anywhere but a models.py?4

  1. For example:

  2. Requires a poor-quality test suite and diligent ignorance of the Single Responsibility Principle↩︎

  3. A legitimate problem with a liberal language like Python where it’s hard to enforce calling conventions as nothing is truly private. ↩︎

  4. You are: your web framework is not your boss. As a rule-of-thumb, your application logic should live in modules that aren’t Django-specific modules (eg not in views.py, models.py or forms.py). If I had my way, Django would create an empty business_logic.py in each new app to encourage this. ↩︎


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