Based on a few weeks of using vim-copilot
, I recommend the
Enable Copilot for the
filetypes:let g:copilot_filetypes = { \ 'gitcommit': v:true, \ 'markdown': v:true, \ 'yaml': v:true \ }
By default, these and few others are disabled but I’ve found them to be useful. It’s often amusing to see Copilot’s attempts to complete your commit messages.
Disable Copilot for large files as it can be slow and impair the editing experience:
autocmd BufReadPre * \ let f=getfsize(expand("<afile>")) \ | if f > 100000 || f == -2 \ | let b:copilot_enabled = v:false \ | endif
This autocommand disables Copilot for files larger than 100KB. See my related TIL post for more details on this.