A good understanding of Vim’s various lists is a massive productivity boost — it’s taken me many years of Vim use to truly appreciate this.
This post summarises some of Vim’s lists, detailing their purpose and how to make the most of them.
Quickfix list
A global list of locations populated via one of these commands:
— search using Vim’s native functionality.:gr[ep]
— search via an external program specified by thegrepprg
— search help text files.:mak[e]
— call the program specified by themakeprg
setting (which defaults tomake
).:cex[pr] {expression}
— use{expression}
to populate to list. This can be used to clear the quickfix list via:cex []
Quickfix list commands start :c
— here’s some useful ones:
— Open the quickfix window if it’s non-empty.:cn[ext]
— Jump to next/previous error.:cnf[ile]
— Jump to first error in the next/previous file.:cab[ove]
— Jump to the error above/below the current line.
Vim remembers the last ten quickfix lists; you can navigate between them with:
— Go to the older/newer quickfix list.:chi[story]
— Show the list of quickfix lists.
This is powerful: it allows building a tree of searches, which is a useful debugging pattern when exploring a codebase.
More at :help quickfix
Tip: Use mappings for faster browsing
Since you’ll use them a lot, define convenient mappings for :cnext
. This can be achieved with
, which
provides a slew of useful mapping pairs starting with [
or ]
. E.g.
There’s a pair of
mappings for
each list described in this post.
Tip: Define a mapping to :grep
for the word under the cursor
I also recommend defining a mapping that runs :grep
on the word under the
cursor. This makes it trivial to answer the question “where else is this
function used?”
I use:
nnoremap gw :grep <cword> . <cr>
although this does clobber a built-in formatting operator.
Tip: Custom grepprg
Use ripgrep
as your default search
if executable('rg')
set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep
set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m
Keep your ripgrep
configuration in a global ~/.ripgreprc
file so :grep
behaves the same as rg
at the command-line. Recommended settings:
# ~/.ripgreprc
Tip: Custom makeprg
The default makeprg
is make
but any command that prints locations to STDOUT
can be used — most static analysis tools are viable candidates.
For instance, I occasionally use it for Bandit security analysis via:
set makeprg=bandit\ -r\ -f\ custom
or to work though all Python linting errors in a new project:
set makeprg=flake8
Tip: Operating on the error list
A powerful editing technique is to apply an operation or macro to each location
or file in the quickfix list. This is done with :cdo
or :cfdo
Here are some examples where we populate the quickfix list using :grep
options) then perform a batch edit using :cdo
or :cfdo
Replace “foo” with “bar” in all Python files containing the string “baz”:
:grep baz -t py
:cfdo %s/foo/bar/g | update
Delete lines containing “foo” from all files called urls.py
:grep foo -g urls.py
:cfdo g/foo/d | update
Run macro q
on all lines containing “foo”:
:grep foo
:cdo normal @q
I sometimes write a custom function to run on each quickfix location. This is a useful way of performing complex batch changes that are too complex for a single Ex command or macro:
function! FixQuickfixEntry()
" Example the line of the error to determine what fix is required.
let line = getline('.')
if line =~ 'as e:$'
" Handle scenario of unused exception variable
s/ as e:/:/
elseif line =~ '^\s\+\w\+ = factory'
" Handle scenario of unused test factory variable
normal _
normal 2dw
echom "Unable to fix"
then use:
:cdo call FixQuickfixEntry()
This is good technique for quickly performing sophisticated refactoring across a whole codebase.
Tip: Populate the quickfix list in a subshell
When running :grep
or :make
, Vim executes the program in Vim’s parent shell.
This suspends Vim while results are printed then requires you to hit enter to
a brilliant gist from Romain Lafourcade
that shows how to avoid this woes by using :cgetexpr
(or :cexpr
) to populate
the quickfix list in a subshell. There’s a few variants you can use depending on
whether you regularly search for multi-word queries. I do, so I use this
function! Grep(...)
let cmd = join([&grepprg] + [join(a:000, ' ')], ' ')
return system(cmd)
command! -nargs=+ -complete=file_in_path Grep cexpr Grep(<f-args>)
To complement this, you can use a command-line abbreviation to automatically
switch :grep
to :Grep
cnoreabbrev <expr> grep (getcmdtype() ==# ':' && getcmdline() ==# 'grep') ? 'Grep' : 'grep'
and an autocommand to open the quickfix window when there are results:
augroup quickfix
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost cexpr cwindow
augroup END
This is life changing.
Location list
A window-local equivalent of the quickfix list — a similar set of commands
exists but now prefixed :l
(e.g. :lwindow
to open the location list if it
has entries).
Personally, I don’t use it much directly but it’s good to be aware of. Popular plugins like Ale and Syntastic populate the location list.
More at
:help location-list
Jump list
A window-local list of the last one hundred cursor positions:
— Go to previous/next cursor position in jump list.:jumps
— View the jump list.:clearjumps
— Clear the jump list.
The following commands as considered “jumps” and will append an entry to the jump list:
— Jump backward/forward a sentence;{
— Jump backward/forward a paragraph;/
— Search forward/backward in current buffer;n
— Repeat the last/
jump in conventional/opposite direction;:s
— Substitution;G
— Go to line;%
— Jump to matching parenthesis/bracket/brace/…'
— Jump to a mark in the current buffer;H
— Jump to the top/middle/bottom of the current window (adjusting forscrolloff
— Jump to tag definition;[[
— Move one “section” backward/forward, or to the previous{
in the first column. Note “sections” in Vim come from Nroff files and are generally not that useful.
Further, commands that start editing files like :edit
append to the
When you split a window, its jump list is duplicated and jump lists are saved
between sessions (in the viminfo
file) if the 'viminfo'
option includes a
More at:
Tip: Use jump commands to navigate
The motions j
, k
are not counted as jumps and so don’t
create an entry in the jump list. Hence it’s preferable to navigate within a
buffer using the above jump commands as this builds a history that you can walk
back through (see
this Reddit comment).
Change list
A buffer-local list of the last one hundred undo-able changes:
— Jump to the previous/next change. These can be prefixed with a count to determine which change to jump back/forward to. -
— View the change list. The output enumerates each change making it easy to determine thecount
value to use withg;
Like the jumplist
, the changelist
is persisted for each file if your
setting contains a '
More at:
Tip: Jump to the previous location where insert mode was used
Not strictly to do with the change list but the gi
command is similar to g;
It will enter insert mode in the current buffer in the last insert mode
location. If you made a change when last in insert mode, this will be equivalent
to g;
but will also put you into insert mode. The same effect can be achieved
with marks via '^
Buffer list
A global, append-only list of buffers (including cursor location and state)
for the current editing session. Each opened file will be appended to the list
which can be viewed with any of :buffers
, :files
or most succinctly :ls
There are many ways to navigate the buffer list, including:
:b[uffer] {number}
— Jump to buffer by number.:bp[rev]
— Jump to previous/next buffer (will wrap at end of list).:bf[irst]
— Jump to first/last buffer.
or from tpope/vim-unimpaired
— Jump to previous/next buffer.[B
— Jump to first/last buffer.
Some other useful buffer list commands to know:
— Rearrange windows to show a window for each buffer in the buffer list.:bufdo {cmd}
— Execute{cmd}
in each buffer in the list. For example, apply macroq
to each buffer with:bufdo normal @q
More at:
Tip: Select buffers with FZF
I recommend the :Buffers
command from the excellent
to jump to a buffer
using fuzzy matching. For easy access I map :Buffers
to ,b
and :Files
Argument list
The buffer list tends to become cluttered over time, making it awkward to use
. This is where the argument list comes in — it allows you to curate
a list of files to act on with the equivalent :argdo
The name is misleading: the argument list is not simply the list of files that Vim was opened with. It’s a global, mutable list that can be edited within your Vim session to select exactly the files that you want to operate on.
There are several ways of populating the argument list, listed here in order of increasing usefulness:
Manually add and remove files from the argument list with
. -
Pass files as arguments when opening Vim:
vim file1 file2
or using a file finder like
:vim $(fd -e py) # open files with .py extension
Pipe a list of files to
to provide an initial argument list:fd -e py | xargs -o vim
option forxargs
for the Vim process — without this, Vim can break your terminal. -
Within a Vim session, use the
command::args file1 file2
This approach is powerful as not only does wildcard expansion work:
:args *.c
but so does shelling out:
:args `fd -e py`
is a particularly good tool to use to populate the argument list.
You can check the contents of the argument list with :ar[gs]
and traverse
— Edit the previous/next file in the argument list.:fir[st]
— Edit the first/last file in the argument list.
Or via tpope/vim-unimpaired
It’s now possible to apply batch operations on each file in the argument list
using :argdo {cmd}
. An example workflow is:
Select all HTML files beneath current directory:
:args `fd -e html`
Run a search-and-replace-then-save operation on each file:
:argdo %s/foo/bar/g | update
More at:
Tag match list
A “tag” is an identifier — like a function, class or variable name — that
appears in a “tags file” generated by an external program like ctags
. The tags
file is effectively an index mapping identifiers to locations in your codebase.
Use the tags
setting to tell Vim where to find tag files. A common value is:
set tags=./tags;,tags
which tells Vim to look for tags file in the directory of the current file, in the working directory and in every parent directory, recursively.
You can check which tag files have been loaded with:
:echo tagfiles()
You can jump to a tag definition with:
— Look-up the keyword under the cursor. Useful for jumping to a function’s definition.:ta[g] {query}
— Find the tag(s) matching{query}
. This command also supports command-line completion and regular expression queries like:tag /foobar/
If you want to open the tag in a split or the preview window, there are
analogues of the above commands starting :s
and :p
If there are multiple tag matches, CTRL-]
and :tag
will jump to the first
one. The “tag match list” can be opened with :ts[elect]
and traversed via
, :tn[ext]
, :tp[rev]
, :tl[ast]
As ever, there are useful bindings from
If you want to show the tag match list when there are multiple matches but jump
straight to the tag if a single match, use :tj[ump]
or g CTRL-]
Vim stores the twenty most recent tag match lists in a stack which you can view
with :tags
. This allows you to descend into a call graph by repeatedly jumping
to function definitions then popping the stack to return to the previous
location with CTRL-T
or :po[p]
. This is analogous to the nested quickfix
lists we saw earlier and is a powerful code exploration technique.
More at:
:help tag-commands
- Vim tips wiki: Browsing programs with tags
- A Github Gist on tags by Romain Lafourcade
Tip: Use Universal Ctags
Universal Ctags is the successor to Exuberant Ctags; it’s actively maintained and supports a wider array of languages. It’s worth installing to build tags files for your projects.
Tip: Use :tjump
as your default “jump to tag” command
If it’s common for your codebase to have multiple matches for identifiers (which
is true of Python), consider using :tjump
(g CTRL-]
) instead of CTRL-]
your default “jump to tag” command".
I swap the meanings of CTRL-]
and g CTRL-]
nnoremap <c-]> g<c-]>
vnoremap <c-]> g<c-]>
nnoremap g<c-]> <c-]>
vnoremap g<c-]> <c-]>
Tip: FZF also has a tag searching functionality
The junegunn/fzf.vim plugin provides two
commands for quickly finding tags using the
fuzzy file finder:
— List tags in project.:BTags
— List tags in current buffer.
Include file list and definition lists
There are a couple of other lesser-known lists from Vim’s C-language heritage.
The include file list is populated by commands that look for a keyword in the current buffer and all “included” files. Which files are searched depends on:
option, which identifies lines that include another file — this defaults to^\s*#\s*include
. -
option which tells Vim where to find said included files.
Search with:
:il[ist] {pattern}
— search in [range] or file forpattern
There’s also the definition list.
:dl[ist] {pattern}
— search in [range] or file forpattern
Since I primarily program in Python, this isn’t that useful; I use tag search (and the tag match list) to jump to symbol definitions. However I’ve learnt over time to never write-off Vim’s features — I’m sure this could be useful as a more focussed tag search when working in languages that use filepath includes.
More at
:help include-search
The above is intended as a reference for myself, but hopefully it will be useful to others. The act of compiling this post has been incredibly useful; I’ve learnt many new things1 just fleshing out each section.
There’s a couple of key usage patterns that are worth calling out:
I need to jump somewhere
When editing code, you often need to jump to another location.
To jump to the definition of a function or class, use the tag list via
org CTRL-]
. -
To examine everywhere that a function or class is being called or everywhere that matches a regex use the quickfix list via
(or, better,:Grep
). -
To jump to where you last were, use the jump list via
. -
To jump to where you last made a change, use the change list via
. -
To jump to where you were last in insert mode, use
I need to apply the same transformation in lots of places
A powerful editing pattern comprises building a list of files or locations then applying the same editing operation to each entry. This is great for applying refactorings across a large codebase.
The best approach depends on how you want to build your list of files or locations:
If you want to select code locations, populate the quickfix list with
and apply the batch changes with:cdo
. -
If you want to select files by their content, populate the quickfix list with
and apply the batch changes with:cfdo
. -
If you want to select files by their filepath, populate the argument list with
:args `fd $PATTERN`
and apply the batch changes with:argdo
. -
If you want to select files manually, use
to populate the argument list then use:argdo
(this is generally preferable to using the buffer list and:bufdo
, although that might suffice in some situations).
The editing operation could be an Ex command (e.g. %s/foo/bar/g | update
applying a macro (e.g. normal @q
) or calling a bespoke Vimscript function
(e.g. call MyBespokeFunction
Here are some of the things learnt while researching this post:
- TIL how to use custom functions with
- TIL how to add project-specific Vim settings
- TIL Universal Ctags can index more things than I realised
- TIL how to configure
to parse Terraform files - TIL you can run
without using the parent shell process - TIL there’s a
event in Vim - TIL you can jump to previous quickfix lists in Vim
- TIL how to use custom functions with