Creating pull requests with GPT3 and random artwork
Using OpenAI and some simple scripting to generate artful pull requests
New project: Food price scraper
A Git scraper that tracks Ocado product prices.
The road to Oscar 1.0
A plan for 2014
purl, URI templates and generated tests
Matching the RFC using Nose’s test generators
Cacheback - asynchronous cache refreshing for Django
A simple caching library that uses Celery to refresh stage cache items
purl - immutable URL objects for Python
An immutable URL class designed for easy inspection and manipulation
csvfilter - a Python command-line tool for manipulating CSV data
Scratching a CSV itch
Introducing unittest-xml: testing XML in Python
A simple module for making XPath assertions
Multi-scp: copying a file to all hosts in your SSH config
Using node.js to copy a file to multiple remote hosts
Domain-model-mapper - A PHP Data Mapper implementation
A lightweight implementation of the Data Mapper for PHP 5.3
nurl - an immutable URL object for node.js
A URL value object for node.js
Current pet project: Command-Line-Fu
Creating a site for sharing commands
Tutorial: the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
An introduction to this well-known equation.